Perhaps no other product-line defines Jackalope more than the tremendous amount of pottery that we carry. Don’t limit yourself to choose from just a few pots in drab colors that most shops carry. Do yourself, your garden, and your home a favor and come to Jackalope. There will be a friendly staff member to meet and greet you. We continue to source our pottery from select manufacturers. Find the pots that speak to you and reflect who you are.

Big, bold, colorful, earthy, unique, subdued, for the garden, for the entryway, for the portico, for the table top, for the sun room—we have a pot (and a plant) with your name on it. We also carry a large selection of decorative fountains - which can be used outside but also inside if strategically placed. There are more pots than you will believe. Come by, take a look, take two looks, ask questions, get help. There is so much to see!!